Small Group Ministries
Our Savior’s mission to be Rooted in God’s love, Gather as Christ’s community, and Spring out into joyful discipleship takes many diverse forms. The following are some of the ways we live out our mission in small group formats. In what ways might you feel called to get involved in the life of the congregation? These ministries are a good place to start while you wonder about that question.
Music Ministries
Free Spirit
A contemporary music worship leadership group created to provide uplifting and meaningful worship music for all generations. We strive to provide spiritual inspiration and messages through music chosen to support the Biblical texts and themes for the worship service. Free Spirit consists of vocalists and instrumentalists. We provide Sunday music leadership about once each month.
A group of musicians and singers who lead worship every Wednesday evening and one Sunday each month through contemporary Christian songs. We meet to practice 1/2-1 hour prior to worship and additionally, as needed, to learn new music. Currently, we are in need of a bass player and are always glad to have additional vocalists.
Caring Ministries
Grief Support Groups
The purpose for starting these support groups was to help people find a safe place to meet, to have support and to feel loved. Those who participate have said it has become like a second family. A family where we all share a common bond. We have all lost someone we loved and together we are stronger. We meet on Tuesday mornings.
The first group, “Finding Help and Healing” meets from 9:30-10:30 in The Fireside Room. This group is for the newly bereaved. Donna Schuldt is the facilitator, Mary Kinney co-facilitator. The second group, “Exploring Now What” meets from 10:45-12:00 in The Noah’s Ark room. This group is for those who are farther along on their journey. Mary Kinney is the facilitator. We share our stories, our pain, and our loneliness. We learn from each other and find the strength and courage to continue this long difficult journey for one more day, one more week.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Do you love to knit or crochet? If so, put your talents to good use by getting involved in our prayer shawl ministry. We make prayer shawls to help bring comfort for those who are grieving, those who are ill, and bring hope to those in despair. We also make blankets for babies baptized at our church. The group started several years ago and we met as a group monthly. Since COVID we haven’t met in person but have continued to work on them independently. If there is enough interest, the group may be reformed to meet in-person. Please call Marcia Borka at 507-332-7635 if interested or have questions.
The OSLC Quilters meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 9am to 2pm. Our group’s mission is to provide warmth and comfort through quilts. We sew sizes from baby quilts to twin quilts to donate to places such as Ruth’s House, LSS Foster program, Cancer Center and many others. No experience is necessary, we provide guidance and a social connection.
Study Ministries
Friday Morning
Women's Bible Study
A non-denominational group that meets weekly at 9:30 a.m. to do a Bible study, have fellowship, and support one another. We meet during the 9 months of the school year, completing 1 Bible study each year.
Faith Circle
A group of women who gather together at church on the 3rd Thursday of the month. We study God’s word, enjoy each other’s fellowship, and provide support through our offerings and service. This year we are studying “Heroes of Faith.” We would love to have you join us.
Pub Theology
An opportunity to be curious about important issues of faith and life in a small group setting outside the walls of the church with other curious people. Pr. Drew and Grace Harrison choose a topic for discussion once a month when the group meets at a local bar/restaurant to enjoy food and drink while wondering together about everything from Artificial Intelligence to Immigration to Christian Nationalism to Economics. No need to study ahead of time, just come with your questions and an open mind!
Adult Study Groups
Adult study groups offer a welcoming and engaging space for adults to deepen their faith through shared learning and discussion. Led by our pastors, these groups gather regularly for meaningful book studies, exploring faith-based topics and relevant life themes in a supportive, conversational setting. Each session encourages participants to connect Scripture and spiritual teachings to their own experiences, building community while growing in understanding and faith.
Service Ministries
Dynamic Dusters
The Dynamic Dusters care for our primary gathering spaces by keeping things clean and tidy. We do our work on Thursday mornings. Our primary task is to dust the pews, the alter and other areas within the Sanctuary and Narthex. We clean out extra items left in the pews and ensure the Bibles are placed in an orderly fashion. Through our work, we hope to make the worship experience more welcoming for all participants.
Henry’s Handy Helpers
We meet on Thursday mornings. We start with coffee and “chatter”! Our tasks are varied each time we meet. Some of the tasks we perform are plumbing, electrical, painting, drywall, fixing leaky roofs, testing the security lights, vacuuming pews, carpentry, lots of yard work, and various other tasks that arise. HHH is a great way to do volunteer work for the church and to help save on costs, and the fellowship with other men is fantastic.
Buds & Blossoms
Established in 2023, Buds & Blossom is a newly formed committee dedicated to both outdoor and indoor gardening, including the maintenance of our memorial gardens. We convene once a month to address our current gardening needs and strategize for upcoming flower and plant-related projects, emphasizing a gentle approach that empathizes with the plants' needs. Our mission is to cultivate a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere within our sacred spaces, enhancing the overall worship experience for all. Green Thumbs Up!
The Lamplighters are a group of people over 55 who gather the first Tuesday of every month except July. Being involved includes a blend of fellowship, service, and learning opportunities. We have programs of local interest, i.e. presentations by members or others on interesting trips taken, police K9 demonstrations, Ruth’s House, local authors, and more. Coffee and lunch are provided at all meetings. We have given money to our church youth groups for conferences and service-learning trips. We send cards to church seniors who are sick, hospitalized, or confined to home. We provide meals and hospitality at funerals.
Ready to Find Out More?
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